A Little Bit of This and That
The past few days have been the most challenging days of the semester. School's about to end and there are only 5 more exams to suffer through. The smell of dry burnt grass in the warm breeze in school has been hitting me almost everytime I light a cigarette in the Smocket (sic). Summer's just around the corner.
Summer...Memories...Pictures...No... not pictures. Photographs. I love the way that word hits my ears. I've been looking at some of my albums lately. Each photograph I look at gives me these feelings... It's a myriad of emotions.
I'll be posting the rest of my albums soon. I have a lot of catching up to do. A fair share of reminiscing and bitching served steaming hot with a slice of regret please? Haha Just kidding. Don't mind me.
"I'll see you soon."~2005
Summer...Memories...Pictures...No... not pictures. Photographs. I love the way that word hits my ears. I've been looking at some of my albums lately. Each photograph I look at gives me these feelings... It's a myriad of emotions.
I'll be posting the rest of my albums soon. I have a lot of catching up to do. A fair share of reminiscing and bitching served steaming hot with a slice of regret please? Haha Just kidding. Don't mind me.

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