Sunday, March 25, 2007


Why weren't we able to see the signs that we missed?

It was amazing...

A Little Bit of This and That

The past few days have been the most challenging days of the semester. School's about to end and there are only 5 more exams to suffer through. The smell of dry burnt grass in the warm breeze in school has been hitting me almost everytime I light a cigarette in the Smocket (sic). Summer's just around the corner.

Summer...Memories...Pictures...No... not pictures. Photographs. I love the way that word hits my ears. I've been looking at some of my albums lately. Each photograph I look at gives me these feelings... It's a myriad of emotions.

I'll be posting the rest of my albums soon. I have a lot of catching up to do. A fair share of reminiscing and bitching served steaming hot with a slice of regret please? Haha Just kidding. Don't mind me.

"I'll see you soon."~2005

Sunday, March 18, 2007

One Liners

All men are snakes...Fuckin' A...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Just Let Me...

I just lost it...

I think the stress finally got to me or maybe its the fact that I don't know what to say anymore...

I'm getting so tired of all of "this".

This warm feeling is so overwhelming. Drops of it are staining my shirt. I feel like I'm being choked and drowned all at once.

Help me get through this...please...

Let me get through this.

I haven't been this sick since...*sigh*

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Nothing Ephemeral

I'd like to take back that last post. I erased it because I've come to a realization about this. True love goes beyond "the self". True love understands completely without a tinge of doubt. True love is built around trust and commitment. True love is built around promises; genuine promises made by two people who truly care about each other. True love lasts beyond the mere confines of time. And with that... All I can say is,... "True love is all I can give you."